Friday, May 06, 2005

Memo proves Bush faked our way into Iraq

The democratic underground is a buzz with this leaked memo story, and now my hero, John Conyers, has brought it up in Congress, and gotten 88 other members of Congress to join him in questioning the President.
See their letter, complete with 88 signatures here.
John Conyers is so cool he posted the story on dailykos. He said hundreds of Progressive Democrats of America and Daily Kos readers contacted their congress people about this.
According alternet, the memo is the official minutes of a briefing by Richard Dearlove, (then head of Britain's CIA equivalent, MI-6) on July 23, 2002 to Tony Blair and a few other top officials about a meeting in Washington with Bush.
Dearlove tells Blair and the others that President Bush has decided to remove Saddam Hussein by launching a war that is to be "justified by the conjunction of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction."
"The intelligence and facts are being fixed around the policy."
Here is the memo, as printed in the London Times.
I liked Ken Sanders article,
"Smoking Gun Memo appears, but where's the outrage?"
in the Dissident Voice on May 5. He mentions John Conyer's letter and the subsequent lack of interest by the media, concluding, "If only the memo had a semen stain .... "
So let's pummel congress, newspapers, and radio with questions about this!

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