Wednesday, September 07, 2005

FEMA thwarted Local, National, and International Relief

Not only did FEMA prevent the Red Cross from delivering food and water to people trapped in the Superdome and Convention centers, (see post below for details), but they have denied aid all over the place.
Andrew Sullivan has links to lots of info about FEMA and Michael Brown's incompetence, including the following:
Articles exposing FEMA's failures in Los Angeles Times, USA Today, and more.
Constructive Interference
This site lists many of the relief workers and aid supplies that were refused entry to New Orleans and/or the Gulf area. FEMA also blocked civilian response, both neighbors from the region and Americans from all over the USA were turned away, even if they had boats, supplies, medical training, whatever.
But a few Duke students managed to sneak in and help:
In the Durham Herald Sun, Sept 4, 2005
Three Duke students, disgusted by the inadequate relief effort, drove to the Gulf on Friday, posed as jounalists, got past the National Guard and evacuated 7 people from downtown New Orleans in their little Hyundai.
Fire Brown Now
Spin First, Save Lives Later
FEMA Director Michael Brown's memo to Chertoff shows the focus was not on getting rescuers in there right away.
Check the local news for best coverage and photos:
The Times-Picayune
New Orleans WWL TV
What does this sad pic of New Orleans remind you of?

1 comment:

Kilgore Trout said...

I wish anonymous had left a name, Im sure that the governor screwed up too, pretty much everyone at the administration level screwed up at some point. But Im curious when FEMA became state controlled? the State DHS? the department of homeland "security" (a term used loosely) is not controled by the state. the national guard is although 40% were in iraq by orders other than the govenors. But yes the local government there made mistakes and they will probably lose there jobs over it. At least the govenor didnt have to have a DVD made of the highlights after 3 days to see what had happened. the govenor might not have been making all the right decisions but at least they didnt leave for california to have a fundraiser for a political allie. theres plenty of fault to go around, anyone who says this is entirely anyones fault is simply playing partisan games. I accuse the president because in his words,"the buck stops here" and the trial should start there.