Friday, November 19, 2004

Comments Invited on Living Room Think Tanks

There are MoveOn sponsored brainstorming parties happening this Sunday, Nov 21. I'm attending the one at Ooh-La-Latte, where they will show the same George Lakoff DVD we saw. I plan to suggest that other people start monthly meeting groups like we did. If you plan to attend one of these meetings, please take notes of any good ideas to share with our group on Dec 3. You need to sign up before attending @
Please share your thoughts on how this local think tank group can be most effective. Has it given you any new or helpful perspective? Do you have suggestions for topics we can discuss, view, or do?
I think I have successfully changed the setting on this blog so anyone can post comments. If you want your name to appear, then you need to sign up at Click on "comments" to see what others have said.

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