Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Dec 3rd Think Tank notes

We had fewer attendees (10), but a stimulating discussion. We ended with watching the abridged version of "Hijacking Catastrophe". There are also some powerful interviews on this DVD with military personel who speak out against the Bush administration.
I read a part of Pericles (the blogger, not the ancient Greek) concerning moving Christianity to the left. We mostly talked about religion's influence on politics, how to explain that our progressive values are consistent with Jesus's teachings (New Testament), how Christianity was dragged to the right and how to move it back to the left, defining progressive values as moral values, etc. Kathy M. told us about a group that facilitates talks between the opposing sides, "Let's Talk America" whom we may ask for help for our February meeting. Daina has a Republican Christian fundamentalist friend who volunteered to come to our group for a discussion some time. We may be able to get a small guest panel of Christian Bush supporters who are willing to come explain their perspective and hear ours.
We talked about the White Rose group of resisters during WW II, which led to a suggestion that we put out some sort of little messages, leaflets perhaps?

Did you know that Gandhi professed "militant nonviolence?"

"You don't have to be black to quote Martin Luther King, you don't have to be Hindu to quote Mahatma Gandhi, and you don't have to be Christian to quote Jesus." -- Pericles

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