Friday, December 24, 2004

We are a backlash

Jane L expressed my sentiments so clearly, I am posting her Solstice message here:
My year has been dominated by the elections. The reactionary forces in our society have changed our prevailing dialogue by hijacking our language. “Liberal” has become a dirty word, “family values” has become synonymous with repudiation of homosexuality and non-conforming lifestyles, and “terrorists” refer to anybody but ourselves. Can we claim the high ground of moral values when we initiated a preemptive and unprovoked war on another country? Where is the America that is my home? I want to live in a country where family values means providing shelter, sustenance and health care to persons in need, and where “pro-life” means giving those who are alive the option to make unfettered choices. I want to live in a country where there truly is a separation of church and state so that “science” is what is taught in our public schools. I want to live in a country where we take the threat of global warming and the fouling of our environment seriously, rather than pass legislation that abdicates these responsibilities, mislabeling it the “clear skies” act.
This has been a time of great reflection; where in losing my country I have come to realize how much I love it. It has been a time of resurgence in political activity organized by Internet and community groups. My friends and I did more work for this election, registering voters and getting out the vote, than we have done in recent history. I remember thinking in the late 1960’s that when I became old (meaning the age I am now), my generation would form the Gray Panthers. The baby-boomers would rise up and organize for social security, medical care, and social programs. Well the time is here and perhaps that is what is happening. My group of friends has started a progressive think tank, groups of democrats all over have continued to meet since the election, and liberal churches are organizing to change the direction of religious dialogue. We are a backlash, we are a movement, and we are fighting once again to make this a better world.

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