Thursday, January 06, 2005

Reframe Social Security

Does the wording "Ownership Society" feed the conservative frame?

Susan Carver Williams makes a good point in her perspective on the fight to protect Social Security from the Bush administration's sneaky tactics.

"I don’t know about you, but I’d rather live in a Generous and Kind Community that is strengthened by our connections than in an Ownership Society where we fight to protect what’s “ours” and expand what’s “ours” and keep others from having any of it."

I've put her analysis on how Bush & Co are cleverly marketing and framing their attack at my new page , Social Security Discussion Corner.

Please contribute to our conversation there... e-mail me or post a comment on the blog.

Here is a great succinct argument for why NOT to privatize Social Security or medicare. This is directly quoted from the Petition Site. In fact, please sign the petition there. Thanks!

Social Security is not facing an imminent crisis, and is not in danger of running out of money anytime soon. (The Social Security Administration estimates the trust fund will last until 2042; many economists estimate the fund will last much longer.) Also, privatization will cost a lot - and working families will be the ones who pay.

continued at Social Security Discussion Corner

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