Monday, January 24, 2005

Senators call for a new "Truman Committee" to prevent War Profiteering

Something good in congress! Spread the word.
U.S. Senators Dick Durbin (Democrat-IL), and Larry Craig (Republican-ID)introduced a bipartisan resolution on Sept 15 to create a Senate special committee for oversight of contracts awarded to support the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the war on terrorism. Senators Daniel Akaka (D-HI) and Mark Dayton (D-MN) are also cosponsors of the resolution.
Often described as the most successful government investigation effort in U.S. history, the Truman Committee investigated billions of dollars in wartime contracts, saved millions, and serves as a valuable model today. Today, as in the World War II years, skyrocketing costs and rapid allocations of funds have outpaced the federal government's ability to oversee and audit the use of taxpayer funds. Congress has allocated more than $166 billion for war and reconstruction in Iraq and Afghanistan, and costs will continue to rise.
The Durbin-Craig resolution will create a new Truman Committee to examine bidding, contracting, subcontracting and oversight of private contracts, and also to investigate allegations of wasteful and fraudulent practices.
I found out about this from an amusing blogger, firedoglake.
Her post at dailykos is called
War Profiteering and You: A CALL FOR ACTION
here is an excerpt:
We all know that the so-called "reconstruction effort" in Iraq has amounted to little more than a depraved carnival of corporate greed. But just how bad is it? It's bad. Really bad.
So I decided to take a closer look at the Top Ten War Profiteers (as determined by the Center for Corporate Policy) and examine how each has fared in the news of late. This is what I found. (Warning: It's ugly.)
What can you do?
1. Inform yourself about the top ten offenders in Iraq at her article
2.Ask your Senator to join them in co-sponsorship.
3.Write these senators a thank you note.
Their e-mail adresses are a click away at the above link.

Here's my Thank You note. perhaps too brash for the Republican. oh well.

Thank You for calling for a new "Truman Committee" to prevent War Profiteering. I think this is a good idea. I am disgusted at how the current administration has attacked Iraq without just cause, and then moved in with no-bid contracts for all of Bush's crooked cronies. Let's see... American taxpayers pay for the war, but it costs more than we can cough up, so our future generations will be saddled with debt too, meanwhile, Bectel, Halliburton, BearingPoint ,BKSH & Associates,etc. executives get even richer by overcharging for work they never complete.
STOP THEM! Thank You.

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